In My Opinion, The University of Memphis (Memphis)needs to change it's conference relationship. Yes I know almost every one agrees with that! But what I think Memphis should is going to sound crazy. I feel Memphis needs to consider going independent in football. There are a couple reasons I feel this way. One Memphis football is & will likely always be in the shadow of basketball. Memphis is a basketball school, & the city is basketball first, football second unlike most of the rest of the south. Football is going to have to do something to standout. Another reason is simple MONEY, a independent football would have more control of who they play which means hopefully more buy games. A buy game is when a major school pays a small school to come & play a game at the big school. The thing about buy games is that the smaller school usually gets destroyed. Many D1-A vs D1-AA are buy games. The larger schools can & have payed 1 million per game. A large school see the buy game as a chance of improve & play guys who usually don't get to play. Memphis football is bad & losing money let use one problem to fix another. Buy game could also lead to the tigers being on national TV more.TV leads to the third reason which has to do with a personal problem, I have had. The C-USA TV Deal. The C-USA TV has been something that has ticked me off ! Before the deal Memphis basketball games were air on local TV. Not big games but game against average C-USA teams or non conference were on channel 30. I along with many fans watch the games. This changed when C-USA sign a deal with CBS college sports. This meant some fans could not watch the games. I don't have CBS CS on my Directv tier & can't watch the games. Comcast has the games but I am not changing providers to watch Memphis basketball. It also meant games CBS CS didn't want still could not be aired! The was because the money CBS CS then college sports channel paid was to make sure they would be the main C-USA TV network only the C-USA b-ball title game on CBS & big games on ESPN are allowed beside CBS CS. This deal went effect the first year Memphis got a 1 seed in the NCAA tournament & made the elite 8. That year I saw them on TV less than the year they won't that good. This deal is the reason I want Memphis to leave C-USA. To be fair the deal was great for the other C-USA members, but as a Memphis fan I am annoyed that because the other fan bases didn't care enough to have a local TV deal we lost ours! I hope that by going independent in football, Memphis can go to a better b-ball conference who will have a better TV deal.
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